Name Your Price: What Affects the Cost of Dental Implants?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drkevindann @ 7:03 am
A 3D tooth and golden coins on a balancing scale against a blue background

Dental implants are the gold standard for tooth replacement, so you may think they’re really pricey. Wouldn’t prosthetics that look and act like “real” teeth be more expensive? Still, the cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient; it depends on factors unique to a person’s case. That means the metal posts can be more affordable than you’d expect! To get a more exact estimate, consider these four factors that affect dental implants’ price.

Number of Dental Implants

Of course, how many dental implants you get will impact the treatment price. You’ll pay more if the number of posts is high, while you’ll pay less if the number is low.

Don’t forget that your final restoration will (partly) depend on the implant number. If you only need one to three posts, you’ll likely get separately-placed single implants. Meanwhile, you may require an implant bridge if the number of implants is four or higher. Either treatment option would have different expenses.

Implant Materials

An implant’s material will also affect its cost. While each post needs a special makeup to work, the substances used can vary. Each of these (potential) materials also has its own unique price.

All in all, most dental implants can use two materials for their base. Option one is titanium – an effective metal alloy that often doesn’t cost much. On the other hand, some implant posts are made of zirconium, which is a bit pricey.

The Surgeon’s Expertise

Only a few people are qualified to place dental implants. So, your surgeon’s expertise will shape your treatment’s final price.

As you’d expect, it costs more for a highly-trained oral surgeon to do the placement work. They’d deliver a greater level of care and the peace of mind that comes with it.  In contrast, a fairly new oral surgeon normally won’t offer matching results. The result is that they charge less for implant treatment.

Your Prior Oral Health

Lastly, your prior oral health will impact your dental implants’ price. This trait can either make your treatment costly or inexpensive.

You see, not just anyone can qualify for dental implants. A patient must have healthy gum and jaw tissues for placement surgery. If you don’t meet that requirement, you’ll need preliminary procedures first – bone grafts, gum disease therapy, etc. These “extra” services would add to your treatment cost.

Would you like to learn more about the cost of dental implants? In that case, consult your dental provider – they’ll give you a precise estimate!

About the Practice

Dentistry Asleep is based in the Yorkville area of Toronto, Ontario. Led by Dr. Kevin Dann, our practice is geared toward comprehensive dental care under sedation. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, all tailored to you and your smile’s needs. Our team can even place dental implants that would restore your whole grin! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (647)-559-3176.

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